What is an IP address?

An IP address, or Internet Protocol address stands for a unique numerical label assigned to each device on a network. This ID serves as an internet address, enabling computers, phones, and servers to send and receive information. IP addresses operate within specific IP address ranges, which are assigned to devices by Internet Service Providers (ISPs). These ranges are structured hierarchically to efficiently route data. The Domain Name System (DNS) translates domain names (like "sampleforufovpn.com") into IP addresses, simplifying navigation for users while enabling seamless connectivity behind the scenes.

Without IP addresses, the internet simply wouldn't function as it does today. It's the backbone of online communication, enabling seamless connections across the globe.

What do I find out from someone's IP address?

An IP address can reveal more about a person or device than you might think. Through IP geolocation, it's possible to determine a user's approximate location with the following information:

Country State/Province City ZIP Code

However, the information you can access is limited to public data. Remember, while IP geolocation is powerful, respecting privacy and legal boundaries is essential when accessing or using such information.

Why Change My IP address

Encrypt Your Data against IPleak

A masked IP encrypts all of your sent and received information, which means that as far as hackers or third parties are concerned. This helps keep your sensitive information safe , such as passwords or financial information.

Protect Personal Information

Your IP address provides information about your physical location, ISP, and even browsing habits. Hiding your IP address an additional layer of anonymity to your privacy and online indentity.

Stay Safe on Public Networks

Public Wi-Fi networks, such as those in cafes or airports, are notorious for their lack of security. A new IP keeps you hidden from potential threats on open networks.

Access All Content without Geo-blocking

When you change your IP address to a different region, you can get around the restrictions on streaming services and also enjoy the custom apps available in US, UK and more with global servers .

How to Find IP Address on Your Devices

Public Windows11 Windows10 Mac Phone Linux Samsung Tablet Router Local DNS Server Playstation Xbox

How to Find My Public IP Address

The following method can help you discover your public IP address:

  • In your browser, type your router IP address (for example to access your router admin panel.
  • If necessary, log in to the settings with your credentials (see your router's manual).
  • Check your public IP address in the “Status” or “WAN” section. Then you can get your public IP address directly.

IPv4 vs. IPv6: Key Features & Differences

What is IPv4?

IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4)- This is the fouth version of Internet Protocol. It employs a 32-bit addressing system, enabling about 4.3 billion individual addresses.

Example IPv4 Address:

What is IPv6?

IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) is the next-generation Internet Protocol which is designed to overcome the problems faced by IPv4. It employs a 128-bit address system, offering an inordinate number of unique addresses.

Example IPv6 Address:


Main Difference IPv4 IPv6
Address Format 32-bit numeric 128-bit hexadecimal
Address Space 4.3 billion Assigned by ISPs
Compatibility Widely supported Requires updated devices and software
Security IPsec add-on Built-in IPsec
Configuration Manual or DHCP Auto-configured (SLAAC)

Why IPv6 Adoption Is Still Lagging

While theoretically offering superior technical capabilities, the adoption of IPv6 has been slower than we hoped. Here are some possible reasons:

  • Legacy Compatibility: IPv4 is still dominant on older systems and devices, causing slow upgrades.
  • Costs and Complexity: The shift to IPv6 involves considerable expense, and maintaining services on both IPv4 and IPv6 (dual-stack) is complex.
  • NAT is one of the methods used to extend the usefulness of IPv4, which has made IPv6 adoption less urgent.
  • Limited Awareness: The majority of IT professionals have more experience with IPv4, further delaying the switch.

Private vs Public IP

What is a Public IP Address?

A public IP address is a globally unique address assigned by an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to identify devices on the internet. It enables direct communication between your device and external networks.

Unlike private IP addresses, which operate within local networks, public IP addresses allow external devices to locate and communicate with your network, making activities like gaming, and hosting servers possible.

What is a Private IP Address?

A private IP address is an assigned unique identifier for devices within a private network, like your home or your office. These are used for internal communication and are not reachable directly from the internet.

Example Ranges: - - -

Main Feature Private IP Public IP
Accessibility Not accessible outside the local network Accessible globally on the internet
Assignment Assigned by routers or network admins Assigned by ISPs
Address Range Reserved ranges like 192.168.x.x, 10.x.x.x Globally unique, no specific range
Status Typically dynamic (set by router) Can be static or dynamic

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